Czapol - 2023-12-29 02:07:50

- Fishing overhaul. From now to fish player need only to right click fishing rod at destined water block instead of casting float with minecraft mechanics. Water particle will appear above water where fishing rod was used, and splash sound will be played when something is catch. This make fishing instant, with default item use cooldown. Fishing rods have now range, and Fish on a stick become usable Fishing rod with 20% catch bonus
- Mobs Melee overhaul. From now monsters that can attack in melee will try to hit player as fast he gets in range instead to wait for default “combat tick”.
- Add Gem bag, Rusty Bag, PT3D Coin, bone and Boots of haste as possible rewards from Fishing Anomaly. Also reduce chances to fish: worn Soft Boots, PACC, blessing stick and Fisherman Backpack
- Fix Holy Spellbook and Soft Boots behaviour on worn out
- Fix bugs with Item Stash not being able to equip throwable weapons, ammunition and amulets
- Fix bug that allow to place fields on top of ladders
- Fix weekend party Drunk Master event NPC to include Dankwart, Frodo and Lyonel
- Fix NPC Pompan offer to sell diamond arrows
- Fix NPC Rashid to buy Leviathans Amulet
- Fix bug with Buddel that allow to select target location same as actual location. Also improve random destination event to never select current location
- Improve mob of that day to not include mobs that not give experience
- Remove Auto-auto loot cause of it unbalance to other classes than knight.

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